Lee Air > Capabilities > Testing
Qualification, Functional and Product Support Testing
Test & Manufacturing Engineers provide the backbone of product support and functional testing of Engineered Products at Lee Air. The Lee Air testing capabilities and facilities (internal/external) support the Electromechanical Systems/components Manufactured. Our engineering produces complete test hardware, fixtures, analysis, and documentation to satisfy Customer/FAA/Military specification requirements.
Local Testing & Qualification Partner
Lee Air has closely allied itself with Wichita State University and the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR). While Lee Air houses several substantial Environmental chambers, power supplies and electronics test equipment on-site, the proximity and convenience of a full scale RTCA/DO-160 test facility just down the street makes our coalition with NIAR the right choice for aircraft qualification.

Lee Air is also allied with proven industry leaders to handle overflow and ensure the certification effort schedule always preserved.